BHSSC has a wide range of technology and applied learning curriculum offerings and potential pathways for students to explore. At Years 9 and 10 students can undertake electives in technology and applied learning such as Metalwork, Woodwork, Electrical Systems, Visual Design and Horticulture and Landscaping. For students wishing to pursue pathways in technology, then there are VET courses, VCE subjects, school based apprenticeships (Headstart Program) and work experience that can be accessed according to interest or student pathway choices.
BHSSC has many industry standard training facilities and workshops which allow us to offer the following trade/industry VET training courses for all students (Years 9-12) to access:
Building & Construction, Engineering, Electro-Technology, Horticulture/Landscaping, Hospitality/Cookery, Sport & Recreation and Sports Coaching as part of our on-site learning program.
These industry based training courses can be accessed by all students, to assist with developing a guaranteed pathway into post-secondary studies or employment into the future.
Students can also consider undertaking a school based apprenticeship (called Headstart) or other Senior studies such as VCE Visual Communication & Design or VCE Product Design & Technologies.
As part of the Vocational Major VCE (formally VCAL) program, students can access one of our industry training VET courses or pursue other courses off-site if required. Our dedicated team of staff always work closely with students and their families to successfully plan for the future.
Please consider the following as well:
(Vocational) VM-VCE Program
The College offers places in the Senior (Year 12) and Intermediate (Year11) Vocational VCE Program. As part of the VM VCE Program students will undertake a weekly program consisting of the following:
- Attend for three days on-site (compulsory) undertaking studies in Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Development and Work Related Skills, linked to national competency standards
- All students must successfully be enrolled in and complete studies in a recognised VET Industry based learning program, which can be done on-site at BHSSC or through local trade training providers
- All students will be expected to undertake one day of related work experience to support their development in understanding the world or work and industry practical learning
VCE VET Programs
- VCE VET programs are approved by the Victorian Curriculum & Assessment Authority and allow secondary students to complete the VCE and a nationally recognised industry Certificate at the same time.
- VCE VET units have equal status with other VCE units.
- VCE VET programs are fully recognised within the unit 1 – 4 structure of the VCE and therefore may contribute towards satisfactory completion of the VCE and, in some cases, the ATAR.
- Students enrolled in these programs will complete a combination of VCE units and VCE VET units.
VET or Further Education – Block Credit
Students who undertake Vocational Education and Training (VET) or Further Education (FE) qualifications that are not included in the suite of approved VCE VET programs and School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships may be eligible for credit towards their VCE. This credit is called Block Credit Recognition. Further information is available at